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Abstract Discipline: Psychology

It's Now Or Never! Using Deadlines as Nudges

Daphna Lewinsohn-Zamir

Behavioural economics: Corruption corrupts

Shaul Shalvi

For Whom Does Deterrence Affect Behavior? Identifying Key Individual Differences.

Adam Fine

What motivates adherence to medical recommendations? The procedural justice approach to gaining deference in the medical arena

Tom R. Tyler

What they don’t know can hurt them: Mothers’ legal knowledge and youth re-offending.

Elizabeth Cauffman

Creativity in unethical behavior attenuates condemnation and breeds social contagion when transgressions seem to create little harm

Francesca Gino

Procedural Justice and Legal Compliance

Daniel Nagin

Patriotism's Impact on Cooperation with the State: An Experimental Study on Tax Compliance

Erich Kirchler

The Expanding, Lop-Sided Universe of Social Influence and Law Research

Linda J. Demaine

Coercive vs. Cooperative Enforcement: Effect of Enforcement Approach On Environmental Management

Dietrich Earnhart

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