Award Winners
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Too big to fail, too powerful to jail? On the absence of criminal prosecutions after the 2008 financial meltdown
Henry N. Pontell
For Whom Does Deterrence Affect Behavior? Identifying Key Individual Differences.
Adam Fine
The Clean Air Act Watch List: An Enforcement and Compliance Natural Experiment
Mary F. Evans
The Most Senior Wall Street Official: Evaluating the State of Financial Crisis Prosecutions
Todd Haugh
Coordinating Compliance Incentives
Veronica Root
Coercive vs. Cooperative Enforcement: Effect of Enforcement Approach On Environmental Management
Dietrich Earnhart
Rethinking Compliance
Daniel Sokol
Law, Moral Attitudes, and Behavioral Change
Janice Nadler
Experimental analysis of the effect of standards on compliance and performance
Constantine Boussalis
Monitoring Global Supply Chains
Jodi Short
State environmental regulators: perspectives about trust with their regulatory counterparts
Sara Rinfret
Do non-profits encourage compliance? Watershed Groups and the US Clean Water Act
Laura Grant
Formal and Social Enforcement of Individual vs. Corporate Transgressions
Doron Teichman
Beyond Bureaucracy: How prosecutors and public defenders enforce urban planning laws in Sao Paulo, Brazil. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Salo Vinocur Coslovsky
Frontline Safety: Understanding the Workplace as a Site of Regulatory Engagement
Paul Almond
Compliance costs, regulation, and environmental performance: Controlling truck emissions in the US
Robert A. Kagan
Fear, duty, and regulatory compliance: lessons from three research projects
Environmental Regulations and Corruption: Automobile Emissions in Mexico City
Paulina Oliva