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ComplianceNet is an interdisciplinary network to disseminate and synthesize research about compliance.

ComplianceNet 2025

ComplianceNet 2025, with the theme “Evolving Compliance,” will be hosted by Fordham University School of Law in New York City and will take place May 28, 29, and 30, 2025. We are currently accepting panel or paper submissions, with a deadline of January 31, 2025.

At each conference, we have awarded prizes for the best junior and senior scholar papers, as well as a Lifetime Achievement award. Previous winners are featured here. New this year we will have a panel and poster session dedicated to graduate students. There will also be awards this year for the best graduate student contributions.

We warmly invite junior scholars, senior scholars, and graduate students to apply for the conference generally and for appropriate best paper awards. Scholars must be present to receive their awards.

The 2025 registration fee is set at $198.00.  The registration fee will cover a light breakfast, tea and coffee, boxed lunches and two receptions during the conference. The conference organizers will not provide or organize housing and accommodation, but we will provide some general information by email to registered participants.

How to Register
There are two steps to this year’s registration:
(1)  Please pre-register at the link here.
(2)  Payment for the event can be made through the link here.

Registration is not complete, and submissions will not be considered for awards, without completing the payment link.

Registration Categories
Attendees can submit either individual papers or complete panel proposals, as well as individual roundtable discussion topics. There is also the option of attending the event without giving a presentation. The program committee will review abstracts and select papers, panels, and roundtables that specifically discuss theoretical and/or empirical aspects about compliance, as defined as the interaction between rules (broadly defined) and individual, group, or organizational behavior.

Full papers (beyond abstracts) can be submitted for awards at a later date after registration by following the instructions for awards below.

We have the following options for conference registration:

-            Individual papers. Please select “Single Paper Registration” option and submit the paper title and abstract (up to about 200 words).


-            Panels (3 papers minimum with a maximum of 5 per panel). Please select the “Panel Registration” option and you will be asked to submit an integrative statement explaining the panel (approximately 200 words), the titles of each paper and their authors, and an abstract for each paper (approximately 200 words). Each panel organizer must arrange that panelists (other than the panel submitter) register their papers individually once the panel has been approved (using the “Papers within panel proposal” option). If panel members fail to register their papers and confirm attendance, the conference organizers may place other, thematically- related, papers into the panel to ensure that each panel has more than one presentation.


-            Papers within a Panel. Please select the “Papers within a panel” option and submit the paper title and abstract (up to about 200 words).


-            Roundtable Discussion. Please select, “Roundtable Discussion Registration” and provide the title, integrative statement and abstract.


-            Roundtable Panel Member. Please select, “Roundtable Panel Member” and indicate the title of the panel that you would like to join.


-            If you would like to attend, but do not want to present a paper or a panel, please choose the “Attendance Without Presenting” option.


We look forward to seeing you at ComplianceNet 2025 in New York City!


Conference Awards

ComplianceNet is pleased to announce our awards designed to promote and highlight scholarly efforts in our discipline. We are seeking nominationsfor three awards—one for a graduate student paper, one for a paper by a junior (fewer than 7 years of experience) scholar(s), and one for a paper by a more senior scholar (or group of scholars). Please note that winners must attend the ComplianceNet annual meeting on May 28-30, 2025, at Fordham University School of Law in New York City, where the awards will be presented. 


TheComplianceNet awards recognize outstanding scholarly work of students, post-docs, junior scholars, post-tenure faculty, and/or practitioners who are conducting research in the broadly defined area of compliance research. Such scholarship can be in the form of an article, book, or book chapter. ComplianceNet takes a broad approach to compliance, seeing it as the interactions between rules and behavior. We accept papers froma diverse set of perspectives, using various methodological and theoretical approaches, and covering a wide variety of topics relating to compliance. A listing of our prior award recipients and their papers is available via the button below. 


Scholars working by themselves or as part of a team of co-authors are eligible for the competition. Paper submissions may be conceptual, theoretical and/or empirical (quantitative or qualitative) and must be a completed project—i.e., not a funding proposal or thesis proposal. Projects may be published or unpublished; however, only articles, books, or chapters published within three years of the award date are eligible for consideration. The committee may elect not to give this award in any given year. We are offering awards in three different categories, described below: 


1) Outstanding Student Paper Award 
The award recognizes scholarly work of students enrolled in a university degree program. Co-authored papers with other scholars will be accepted, but a student should be the primary author and a submission letter should describe the relevant contributions of each co-author. 


2) Outstanding Junior Scholar Paper Award 
The award recognizes scholarly work of junior faculty, post-docs, and/or practitioners with fewer than 7 years of experience post-Ph.D., J.D., or other doctoral degree completion. Papers must be primarily the work of one or more juniorscholars. Co-authored papers with post-tenure scholars will be accepted, but a junior scholar should be the primary author and a submission letter should describe the relevant contributions of each co-author. If there are quantitative and qualitative contributions of equal merit, it is possible (but unlikely) that two Outstanding Junior Scholar Paper Awards will be given in one year. 


3) Outstanding Senior Scholar Paper Award 
The award recognizes scholarly work of post-tenure faculty and/or practitioners with more than 7 years of experience post-Ph.D.,J.D., or other doctoral degree completion. Scholars working by themselves or as part of a team of co-authors are eligible for the competition. If there are quantitative and qualitative contributions of equal merit, it is possible (but unlikely) that two Outstanding Senior Scholar Paper Awards will be given in one year.

Please send the paper(s), chapter, or book to be considered (electronic versions required), and qualification for the category in which it should be considered, to the Chair of the Awards Committee (contact information is provided below) by January 31, 2025.


Nominations will be reviewed by theComplianceNet AwardsCommittee, with award nominees being notified of our decision by February 21, 2025. Please remember that winners must attend the ComplianceNet annual meeting, where the awards will be presented.


Please send submissions to the Awards Committee
Attn: Professor Elysa Dishman

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